Friday, July 22, 2011

Playing on the playground!

The counselors set up paint at the easel with paper and brushes, as they have done many times throughout the summer. Today the children had another idea as to how we could use the paint at the easel. Eliza and Hannah decided to place their hands in the paint and finger paint the paper as well as the easel itself. Then they started to move the paint with their fingers up and down their arms. Lizzie liked their idea a lot. She came over to the easel and proceeded to paint her hands and arms with her fingers. When she was done, Lizzie announced, "I am an alien!" Zach was observing the activity at the easel for quite some time. When he approached the girls he asked them ,"Can I paint too?" He had a different idea, Zach picked up the paint brush and painted his hand then his arm with the brush only. Hannah and Eliza just finished washing off when they saw Zach painting with a paint brush. This inspired them to do the same thing! The girls then proceeded to paint their hands and arms with the paint brush.

At that moment I said to myself, "It does not get better than this, this summer has been great fun for children!" They have had the opportunity to play with sand, water, mud, paint, glitter, and glue outside on the playground!

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