Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sasha Kopp

"Who is wise?  One who learns from everyone.”  Mishnah
I am so excited to be joining the TBS team this year!  As a teacher, I am passionate about creating a caring and thoughtful classroom community where everyone has the opportunity to learn from one another. I believe that every child has many gifts to offer the classroom, and that together we will create a classroom that is a blend of each individual’s child’s personalities and interests. 
I love working with children because I love observing and exploring their natural curiosity and creativity.  I believe that learning is a hands-on process and that students should have the opportunity to learn from being exposed to nature, art, drama and play. These tangible experiences enrich the classroom and bring excitement to everyday learning.
I had the opportunity to study early childhood education in Copenhagen, Denmark and work at an outdoor preschool program. I learned about their theories of the “the competent child” and I deeply believe that children are very capable. As a teacher, I want to create opportunities for my students to gain independence and confidence in the skills they have.  It is incredible exciting and rewarding for me to watch children grow and learn about the world around them. 
I want school to be messy, fun and exciting for you children. It is important to me to hear laugher and enthusiasm each and every day. I care about your children’s feelings and want them to feel valued in the classroom. It is important to me that your children learn about feelings, their own and others, through imaginative play. To me, play is learning. Through play students problem solve, share, grow and use skills that they will use for the rest of their lives.
I feel so lucky to work with you as a team to create a positive, warm environment for your children this year. I can’t wait to see what we can learn from each other!

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