Sunday, August 14, 2011

Savita Brewer

I am so thrilled to join the faculty of Temple Beth Shalom’s Children Center this year. I will be working in the Rainbow classroom with the 2 to 3 year olds and am looking forward to a great year with your children.

As a teacher, I look forward to providing an environment where a child will have rich and meaningful experiences and feel valued and where they feel safe to take risks and make mistakes. It is important that in my classroom children are supported in developing social and emotional skills and will learn to express their ideas and feeling while they share in collaborative efforts and experience the power of working together.

For young children, learning is an ongoing, flexible process where children construct their own
understandings and sparks ideas, theories and feelings about the world around them.

I believe that the learning process is a collaboration among parents, teachers and the child. I look
forward to working with families and strive to build a shared sense of responsibility in learning and the growth of the child as well as working together to give children the strong foundation for a lifelong love of learning.

Wherever we are and whatever we are doing, it is possible to learn something that can enrich our lives and the lives of others…No one’s education is ever complete. --Sir John Templeton

I am so excited to start the year and get to know and work with our Rainbow community!

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