This has been funded by a grant from the Needham Public Schools, for which I am very grateful.
Today was my first day!!!
Thank you!!!
I am eager to reflect, learn, and improve.
I leave you with some thoughts for reflection and response:
Role as a teacher~parent is to lead learning forward, who is the expert other in the classroom and home?
Role of a teacher~parent is to recognize and accommodate for difference in development and needs and honor the different paths to common outcomes!!!
As parents, we naturally accommodate for each of our children and do what works best for them. It makes sense that it will then happen in the classroom and each child will be taught accordingly to his or her needs. But some challenges arise: 1) It is very difficult to meet each and every child where he or she is when each place is different. It takes planning, time, and experience. (We are lucky that our staff is always working to accommodate every child but we should know that is an extremely difficult task!) 2) As parents, we must understand that not all children will reach the same milestones at the same time. It is our nature to compare them, to siblings, to friends, etc, but we must let our teachers do what is right for them at each point and trust that our children are learning the foundational skills that will prepare them to learn each new skills when they are developmentally ready.