Wednesday, June 15, 2011

World Travelers

The driving wheel just lends itself to wild adventures. Today was no exception. Lily F. and Eliza were the first two friends to embark on a trip. They were going to Hawaii on an airplane. They would be seeing sharks, whales, and Hawaii girls, but no ants. Soon Ryan and Leo became passengers. But they were going to Puerto Rico. It would cost a MILLION dollars. That was pretty expensive, and one friend didn't have enough money. Luckily, Eliza had a million dollars right in her pocket and gave it away saying "here I have a million dollars right in my pocket." Ryan thought that in Puerto Rico they MIGHT find HUGE dolphins. Soon Ali came on board saying she was going to Australia where she would find kangaroos, lions, and bears. Passenger Rylan came on board and he was going to Israel and Egypt.
I am so glad this plan did not run out of gas. Looking forward to more travelling fun tomorrow.
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  1. Quite an adventure! I love the creativity!

  2. I would love to go on that trip-- these kids have good taste.
