Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Learning Has Begun

The teachers are back at school and the studying has begun!

Judaism’s culture of study and debate, literacy and life-long learning enables us to live more productive and meaningful Jewish lives. The entire faculty team meets regularly as a chavurah, a study group, to explore topics and issues of Jewish and communal curiosity and concern. The word chavurah comes from the Hebrew word chaver, meaning friend and is traditionally used to refer to a chavurah is a small group of study partners or friends.

How do we prepare an enriching and inspiring year for your child? By embarking on an enriching and inspiring study ourselves. We don't just do what we've always done. Instead, we reconsider our teaching practices, taking into account new developments and research in the field of early childhood education and we use that knowledge to continually enhance your child's experience.

I am proud to be part of a school that values lifelong learning and puts so much attention to modeling the value of learning for our children by surrounding them with adults who learn. Stay tuned as we share some of our learning experiences this week.


  1. So cool! I think one of the most amazing things about our Children's Center is the ongoing professional development and learning of our teachers. We are so lucky that this is such an important facet because they just keep getting better and better (even when we think that couldn't be possible!!!!)

  2. Could not have said it better then Michele!
