Last week, the Kindergartners brainstormed a list of rules they thought we should have when we are together. They said:
- Not hitting people
- No pushing or punching
- Listen
- Never talk when someone else is talking
- No running under the monkey bars
- Raise your hand
- Put caps on markers
- Throw away trash
- Clean up
This week, we looked at our list of ideas again and talked about how in the Torah there are many rules. Some rules are negative, or tell you what you should not do, but there are also rules that are positive, and tell us what we should do. We thought about our list and decided we would have three rules that tell us what we should do when we are together in school.
1. Take care of everybody.
2. Respect your school.
3. Take care of yourself.
We decided this would be our Brit or agreement. We all agreed this is how we treat each other and take care of each other when we are together. We all traced our hands and signed our names to sign our Brit and it is now hanging in our classroom.
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