Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Who You Gonna Call?

Is your friend taking wayyyy toooo long with your favorite car?  Did someone knock down your block tower?  Do two children want the same toy at the same time?  First, we try to problem solve with our classmate.  If that doesn't work we can ask a teacher for help.  In the Etzim class we now have an additional resource, our Problem Solver!  This week that role belongs to Julia, who has been very busy helping children think through some of the problem solving strategies we have been learning.  Julia has gently suggested "How about you take a turn and then he takes a turn?" or "Maybe you could give it back and then say sorry.". We then check in to see if all parties agree.  Julia has extended this role to the playground, helping younger children and peers.  Go Julia!We also learned what the symbol on Julia's necklace means!

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