Sunday, October 13, 2013

Side By Side

 "I can do it!" said Lindsey with pride and excitement in her voice.  The monkey bars are one of our most challenging playground choices.  It is a true rite of passage on the day a child masters this skill.  Samantha had been watching Lindsey as she struggled from from bar to bar.  When you drop a hand to get to the next bar it requires strength most three and four year olds have not yet developed.  Samantha yelled "Lindsey!  Go this way!"  By using the side bar Samantha is able to maintain a more manageable grip.  Lindsey jumped on and made her way down the entire bar on her first attempt!!  She was thrilled, as Samantha cheered her on!  Lindsey then repeated her new skill so many times a teacher finally had to convince her to rest.  Congratulations Lindsey, and great mentoring Samantha!

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