Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Architects in Motion

The sticks were collected and the construction was to begin. Where should we place those sticks to secure them? "I know," said Sam, "we could put it through the fence." Thus began the process of building and careful placement of each stick to make the roof. They collected many sticks. Through trial and error they discovered that the heavy sticks could not be placed on the top or it collapsed. So began the process of rebuilding and replacing until it felt just right and they could sit underneath.

Eli and Rachel from the Tel Aviv and Haifa classes helped as well. Boys and girls decided they needed some furniture. Jesse first took a log and rolled it under the fort to be used as a chair. Eli brought over some bins and they became a couch for a couple friends. Soon others gathered more materials. They needed foot rests and thus began another imaginative scenario.

Now that they worked so hard in the construction and design of the interior, food was the priority. Eli gladly brought over some 'poison' tea, but quickly told me it really was not poison, just sand in a cup. I am looking forward to hearing more imaginative play scenarios and also how we can expand this fort. So stay tuned.

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  1. Wow! What a wonderful experience of really being able to actively use their minds and bodies on the playground. I can't wait to see how this develops.
