Cereal boxes, toilet paper tubes, corks,foam animals,puzzle pieces,bottle caps,cards...These sorts of materials can be turned into "recycled art" and are sculptural treasures in an early childhood art studio.Found materials like these offer intriguing provocation.In a child's hands, a cereal box is no longer a container for cereal:it becomes a tiny home for a paper doll, with a door cut into the base,a paper tube is transformed into a fire hose,telephone or a telescope and a shoebox can be a crib for a baby or a cage for an animal at the zoo.
Today we invited the children to gather a selection of materials(which can be recycled).We encouraged the children to consider a foundation piece as well as pieces that build out.Some of the children gathered materials with a specific intention in mind-a spaceship/house etc...While others simply gathered materials that intrigued them and that caught their imagination.After the children gathered materials we helped them arrange their loose parts and called their attention to the tools for connecting materials(a variety of glue). Finally the children were invited to begin their sculptural work!
When the children's creations were finished they were a beautiful sight to behold and it just goes to show that a little imagination can go a long way!
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