Friday, August 6, 2010

Tzedakah / What can "I" do to help the world?

Shabbat shalom!!!

We say good bye to summer fun, having repaired our world in some small way, embracing our Jewish responsibility of tikkun olam. We have recycled, used materials purposefully, taken care of our animal friends, nourished our plants and garden, and been welcoming friends.

We have given tzedakah on Shabbat and been witnesses of the association of joy children have with Shabbat. (They would often greet one another with "Shabbat shalom" though it was not yet Shabbat in anticipation of the arrival of that special day)

We extended the concept of tzedakah to include not only giving of money to help those in need, and asked them: "What could you do to help make the world better?"

One friend said: "My daddy was sick from work and I helped him feel better."
One friend said: " I can sing a song."
One friend said: " I can dance."

These friends can make a difference and be part of repairing the world using their time and talents as indicated in the aforementioned responses.

Thank you for sharing them with us these few weeks.

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