Thursday, August 12, 2010

What would you do with hundreds of sticks?

In this morning's closet clean out, we found an enormous bin of wooden craft sticks. So it's time to get creative! Ask your children, remember back to your own childhood, or think of something new. What ideas do you have for interesting things to do with sticks? Comment below with some ideas to get us started.
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  1. I remember spreading lots of glue on a small milk carton and putting the sticks on to make a house.

  2. My kids enjoy coloring on sticks with markers. When they have colored on four sticks, I can glue them together and make a picture frame. We have also used sticks to make the roof of a diorama-style sukkah.

  3. We draw faces on the sticks to make them into puppets. You can also glue yarn for hair. They make good bookmarks too!

  4. Build a house! Alternate them back and forth and glue them together!
