Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Learning About Ourselves Outside

Summer at TBSCC is one of my favorite times of year. The entire classroom moves outdoors and there are times and spaces set aside for art, dramatic play, new physical challenges, sensory experiences, and even snack for when we feel hungry.

Being outside for extended periods of time allows children to truly learn about their own physical and emotional capabilities. Children are encouraged to push their limits: How high can I swing? Do I dare climb up the twisty ladder? How high can I go? Looking at these photos, you can see in the faces of the children you can see their determination. Eliana has worked hard to be able to climb on the curved ladder and arrange her body so she is hanging upside down.

1 comment:

  1. love this! we asked her about this tonight and she explained to us step by step how she did it. she was very proud!
