Yesterday Max, Ben, Nathan and Jared were playing with a balloon on the playground when all of the sudden...it floated over the fence! We then decided to go on a hunt to the woods on the other side of the fence to bring the balloon back! We quickly got a hold of it and then we were very careful to avoid touching sticks to make sure the balloon didn’t pop. However, once we got to the other side of the playground we saw so many toys that had been thrown over the fence. Nathan and Jared scooted on their bottoms to help them descend the steep hill to rescue the toys. Then they decided to climb back up with a toy in hand. Nathan was concentrating so hard on good climbing that he squeezed his hand around the balloon a bit too tight and POP! Yet even though the balloon popped none of the boys were upset with Nathan and they were all pleased to return to the playground, sand toys in hand having gone on a fun adventure in the woods.
Sasha, this is like a story book the way your wrote it. Sounds like a fun adventure.