Monday, June 4, 2012

Who Needs Rules?

This morning Ellen stopped by the Haifa class before school started with a game called Twister Hopscotch. With an attempt to have some novelty before another rainy day, she thought we could use a fun new game that requires both gross motor skills, and memory. To play, one must spin the spinner, and when it lands, it will show an action and a color. The actions are clap, sing, wiggle, and hop, and the colors are like those in the photo. The name of the game is to do the action without stepping in the hoops of the color on the spinner. The students thoroughly enjoyed the game, taking turns with one another and helping one another remember the action and the color.

Later in the morning when the excitement for the game had died down, I saw that Eli was sitting at the table spinning the spinner on his own. I watched Alli come up to him and ask what he was doing, and he had created his own game with the same spinner and colors! He created it using the spinner and the connector pieces.

I love being able to watch minds at work, be them following the rules of a game, or creating the rules themselves!

-Alison and Sauci

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