Thursday, July 22, 2010

An insider's look at art

When a piece of art comes home, you only get to see the finished product. We are lucky enough to be able to watch the process from start to finish. In observing the children create bug catchers this week, it was striking to note how many different techniques they chose to use. Rylan rolled his glue stick out all the way, for maximum gluing power. Sandy worked bug by bug, carefully sticking each one in a straight row around her catcher. Rachel piled all the bugs on the top of her's declaring, "I'm making a bug cake!"And Sadie used a two handed technique, diligently making sure her glue was precisely applied.

1 comment:

  1. Ah "process"... my favorite! The children look so happy and engaged! I hope they catch a lot of bugs, to later set free, of course!
