Thursday, July 22, 2010

Is this Recyclable?

In week one of summer fun we discussed the many ways we can take care of our world. One way we can take care of our world is to use things again and not be wasteful consumers.
We can identify items that can be used again by looking for a "triangle" symbol. Avram had finished his snack and asked "Is this recyclable?", referring to his drinking cup. Instead of answering his question, Mikah provided him the "opportunity" to answer that question himself. Eli wanted to look for himself as well. Both children decided our cups were indeed recyclable!! We now have our recyclable box to save those cups for the recycling center.


  1. It's wonderful to see the children taking care of our earth! And enjoying it, too!

  2. I love that they feel responsible for checking the items before they throw them away. Way to go Eli & Avram!

  3. What an hopeful stage we've come to when our preschoolers are asking if something is recyclable! Hopefully we can instill that mindset in all of our children so it is simply second nature. And maybe we can get Needham to recycle more than #'s 1-3 so I can stop sending recycling to my parents' house in Lexington!!!
