There were many questions surrounding Swooper's visit to summer camp. The children were fascinated with Swooper's cage and noticed many details. For example, one friend noticed there were two perches for Swooper to sit on. Alli explained that Swooper really doesn't like the one perch which prompted the following question of course "Why doesn't he go on the back perch?" To which Samuel replied " Because he thinks he might fall", but then he immediately tried to problem solve for Swooper saying " but, but, he can just fly a little and get to the back perch!" Such logical thinking!!! Maybe one day Swooper WILL get to that back perch!
Thinking Swooper is not different than us friends asked "Can Swooper play outside?" We asked friends why they thought Swooper could not play outside. The following responses are very logical: Teddy said: "Because he doesn't have any toys." Mia said: "Because the rain would swoop him away." Such caring loving friends want to make sure that Swooper has toys to play with and protected from the weather.
Thanks for bringing Swooper to visit!!!