Thursday, January 31, 2013

Information Gathering

With our mini-study on crocodiles, the Haifa class quickly realized that we don't know very much about them! We kept confusing alligators and crocodiles, because they look so similar. The last few days, the children have come into the classroom to find the science and games table covered in both fiction and non-fiction books about Lyle the Crocodile and alligators and crocodiles. The children have had a blast looking through these books both by themselves, with one another, and with a teacher.

Today at circle, we took a book that described the similarities and differences between alligators and crocodiles, and we were amazed that animals that look so similar are really really different! From something as simple as the shade of the scales or the shape of its snout, to where in the world these animals can be found, we learned so much about them. After reading this book of facts today, we realized that the Lyle the Crocodile books must be fiction because crocodiles don't usually live with people...or in a city apartment!

-Alison and Sauci
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  1. SO COOL! That's neat that they are learning about all the differences between alligators and crocodiles, that is something I have always wanted to know! Maybe they can teach some of us on the playground tomorrow!

  2. Sasha, just ask Nathan about it. We got a WHOLE lesson about the differences at dinner tonight. :)
