Last week the teachers attended a workshop about Healty Eating at Whole Foods. One of the topics discussed was helping children make healthy food choices by placing the food in front of them and having them explore it. Today we presented children with a veg/fruit assortment along with a choice of plain or red pepper hummus. We asked children to look at all the foods on their plate. Children were invited to touch, smell, taste, and eat! We were delighted to see the children exploring their senses with the different choices, and we heard more than one "I didn't think I liked this, but I do!" As you can see, some of us loved to explore hummus as much with the sense of touch as the sense of taste!
-Laura Walsh
I love this. This science approach is my favorite way of encouraging children of this age to try new fruits and veggies. How exciting that they found new veggies they liked. I can't wait to hear what comes next.