Thursday, January 31, 2013

My Turn, Your Turn...

This week we have been exploring and learning about what the word  "friend" means.  Early on in the week  we asked the children, "What nice things do friends do?"
Elias- sharing, Adam- stopping to listen, Molly- negotiating, Micah R- playing together, Charlotte-play dates, Noah-they hug, Lily-share, Samantha- share, Micah G- hold hands, Josh-they
kiss, Josie- they play together and Zach-take turns.

Today in lunch bunch Micah R mentioned that he really likes to play "slap jack" at home.  I suggested we all play together.  The whole group was excited and interested to learn how to play.   Micah and I explained how to play.  We all had a ball!  Everyone became familiar with each card in the deck...#10, #5, the Jacks, Queens etc.   Every time someone placed down a card they told the group what it was, except for the "Jacks"!  Quickly the children caught on , if you see a "Jack" put your hand on it really, really, fast!   If your hand is there first, you get to keep all the cards.  "Slap Jack is a great way to teach children how to take turns and it's a lot of fun!
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