This week we have been exploring and learning about what the word "friend" means. Early on in the week we asked the children, "What nice things do friends do?"
Elias- sharing, Adam- stopping to listen, Molly- negotiating, Micah R- playing together, Charlotte-play dates, Noah-they hug, Lily-share, Samantha- share, Micah G- hold hands, Josh-they
kiss, Josie- they play together and Zach-take turns.
Today in lunch bunch Micah R mentioned that he really likes to play "slap jack" at home. I suggested we all play together. The whole group was excited and interested to learn how to play. Micah and I explained how to play. We all had a ball! Everyone became familiar with each card in the deck...#10, #5, the Jacks, Queens etc. Every time someone placed down a card they told the group what it was, except for the "Jacks"! Quickly the children caught on , if you see a "Jack" put your hand on it really, really, fast! If your hand is there first, you get to keep all the cards. "Slap Jack is a great way to teach children how to take turns and it's a lot of fun!
Can't wait to play at home!