Thursday, February 28, 2013


Today the Tel Aviv class was SO EXCITED that we had Bingo set up! They loved each having their bingo board and watching and listening for each shape to be called. We had two different groups of five or six kids which each played three games a piece! It was a full morning of hearing Bingo! in our class. Bingo is a great game because it is social, yet individual. Kids kept helping each other by saying, "Look! you have a house!" or "I have one too!"  As they game continued it became important how many spaces each child had left on their board. I had never thought of Bingo as a math game but today i was able to see how kids used counting skills, as well as addition and subtraction to understand how many spaces they had covered and how many spaces they had left to win. It was a great morning and I'm sure we will have bingo in our classroom again soon!
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