Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Tel Aviv LOVES Snow!

The Tel Aviv kids have been spending LOTS of time in the snow this week! The snow has been fun and it's not too cold when you are wearing the proper snow gear and this combination has meant that we have been spending over an hour outside each day! We have made snow angles, snowmen and practiced our climbing skills! While making a snowman yesterday Lily, Charlotte, Josie, Molly and Micah Rosin negotiated how to roll the ball and where to put in the sticks for arms. often times they had different ideas for how they envisioned the snowman but they were able to use their problem solving strategy to create a solution that everyone was happy with! Later in the morning we went up to the parking lot and practiced climbing on the snow banks. I was impressed with how each child navigated the plains of snow and carefully paid attention to their footing as they slowly climbed up the snow banks. It was quite a site to see and once they got to the top, they roared with laughter as they slid down. Such fun mornings playing in the snow! We hope that it will stay warm and snowy like this for the rest of the week!
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