Thursday, December 8, 2011

Discussing Chanukah with Rabbi Todd

Today was a special day for all of us as Rabbi Todd or "Dadeeee!!" as he is better known in our class, joined us for a discussion of Chanukah. Rabbi Todd began by asking the children what they knew about Chanukah. The children knew that the Jewish Temple or "house" had been "knocked down", and the Jews "redid the Temple." Several children knew that the Temple was in Jerusalem, and that the leader of the Jewish army was Judah Maccabee. Rabbi Todd showed the children old pieces of pottery from Modin. Looking and feeling the fragments, Sam said "they're brown from the wall falling down, and they're all dusty." Rabbi Todd led us in saying the blessings and lit the beautiful oil menorah that Maria just bought. It was very interesting to see eight containers of oil where candles are usually placed. Rabbi Todd confirmed that an oil menorah would burn longer than one with candles. He also said that the menorah in the ancient Temple was made of stone. We talked about the miracle of the tiny drop of oil lasting 8 days. The children wondered why the shamesh in our new menorah was a candle and not a vial of oil like the other ones. Rabbi Todd explained that it would be very hard to use the shamesh to light the other candles if it too was a vial of oil. "Where should the menorah go?" asked Rabbi Todd. The children all said in unison that it should go in our window. It looked absolutely beautiful there. Thank you Rabbi Todd for such
a special visit.

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