Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Eight Little Candles, Burning Bright

The Levana classmates enjoyed a busy day working on a classroom menorah. We began with a large roll of paper, and worked hard to tape it to our floor. Sonia demonstrates the small motor skills required to tear the tape and attach it to the paper and the floor. We then spent lots of time tracing large circles for each candle, and decorating with crayons and markers.

Then came the performance... 
                               Eight little candles burning bright, Chanukah is here.
                               Eight little candles in a row, with a flame so clear.
                               Melt little candles, one by one, you have been such fun.
                               Eight little candles go to sleep, when Chanukah is done.

In their role as candles, the children combined movement and song, and enjoyed the candle crowns that they had made earlier. We were happy to have our Unicorn friends join us, first as an audience, and later as co-performers. Pretending to melt and go to sleep is great fun, especially when shared with friends.

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  1. Thank you for inviting the Unicorns to join you for a fantastic performance today. I smile every time I think of it - a highlight of the holiday season! Laura

  2. looks and sounds like a lot of fun! very special to have the Unicorn class join. Im sure the kids will remember this performance.
