Last Friday the Tel Aviv class flew back from Israel. There were a few differences between our voyage back and our trip to Israel a few weeks ago. While we were in Israel Noah came up with the idea that our airplane should be #12 because there are 12 kids in our class. Together we decided this was a great idea then we realized that there were only 10 kids present the day of the flight. We talked about should it be numbered ten or twelve. Noah decided a twelve so that all the Tel Aviv kids were included even if they weren't there that day. Together we made a sign with the number twelve and the TLV --> BOS airport codes. We also made tickets with lots of different airport codes on them and each kid had to identify the BOS area code before they could board the plane to Boston. It was a neat letter recognition activity and the class was very eager to learn what the other airport codes stood for. Our plane had a smooth flight and landing and we were very happy to see that spring time had arrived in Boston while we were in Israel. Now it's time to play outside!
How sweet!