Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Adom Trip To The Fire Station

Today Adom's Adventure was a trip to the Fire Station across the street.  We met two firefighters, both named Mike, who showed us so many pieces of equipment!  We got to sit in the ladder truck (vs the water truck we also learned about), try on the hat, pull out the fire house, learn about the heavy suits firefighters wear to protect us,  and appreciate just how difficult a firefighter's job is every day.  None of the children could believe a firefighter has to put on such heavy gear even on a hot, hot day!  While we were there calls were coming in, and the fire fighters told us every day it gets warmer they get more calls.  People need help when it gets very hot outside.  What a great adventure.  We then came back to Camp and colored our new firefighter coloring books we received!  Thanks Grayden, for the great field trip idea!!
Our favorites included:
Josh Green - Seeing everything that they use at the fire station
Grayden - sitting in the ladder truck
Josh W. - seeing the fire pole
Ben - Seeing pipes and hose on the side of the fire engine
Jacob - Seeing the ladder truck, hose, and water truck!

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