Saturday, September 21, 2013

Decisions, Decisions... What to do??

 In the Ruach classroom we provide opportunities for the children to make decisions and then plan accordingly. We asked the children if they thought they could make a Sukkah. If so, what materials and tools might we need? After reading some books for inspiration, one of which was It's Sukkah Time, it was determined that we could build one. Some children thought they could build a BIG one from Straw connectors and some thought with blocks. After looking at more pictures which provided many different kinds of Sukkahs it was determined that we all had different visions for a Sukkah. How could we solve this problem? We could each built our own Sukkah according to our individual design plans. After some observation of the Sukkahs, children decided  that we needed the following materials: "grass, tall grass," "sticks," "bricks," "wood," "decorations," "tape," "blocks," and "metal." We did not have all these materials in the classroom so off we went to find some natural materials in the woods.

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