Today many of the Levena children started their day at the play dough table. Play dough is such a wonderful open-ended material for toddlers and pre-schoolers because it gives both sensory stimulation and the ability to create and use your imagination. Today the Levana children were hard at work creating pizza's and pancakes. Each child had their own playdough and own their space. This enabled them to create their own projects next to their peers. However, as we talked about pizza and pancakes they began to converse with each other about their favorite pizzas, whether or not the like sauce, or if they have pancakes at their house. These conversations are the beginning bridges between the parallel play stage of two and three year olds and the small group play that develops after children are three, and continues to grow thought preschool. Playdough is a manutlative often used in the Levana class and it will be neat to see how both their play and their creations evolve throughout the year!
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