After braiding our chalalhs this afternoon, the Kindergartners walked to the community room where we placed our challahs in the oven and played some games. The first challenge was to a hula hoop pass. The children stood in a circle holding hands and had to work together to move the hula hoop around the entire circle without letting go of each other's hands. It took team work and some practice, but the Kindergartners worked together so well that they were able to pass the hula hoop all the way around the circle in under 2 minutes! Passing the hula hoop required team work and cooperation!
We then played a game called, "What time is it Mr. Fox?" In this game, one child is Mr. Fox and stands at one end of the room. The rest of the children stand at the other end of the room and shout, "What time is it Mr. Fox?" Mr. Fox then gives a time such as, 5 o'clock, which lets the children know they should take that amount of steps. The children continue asking and taking steps towards Mr. Fox. As they get closer, Mr. Fox will respond with "Midnight!" when the children ask what time it is. Mr. Fox then runs after the children trying to catch them for his "dinner." The children enjoyed taking turns being Mr. Fox, counting out the number of steps they took to get closer to Mr. Fox, and quickly running back away from Mr. Fox. Playing Mr. Fox enables the children to practice following rules of a game, develop sportsmanship, and engage in a gross motor activity. The game also involved counting the steps they took towards Mr. Fox and participating in a call and response.
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