Sunday, October 28, 2012

Alphabet Knowledge

Singing the alphabet song is fun, but it doesn't mean a child can identify letters or understands that they represent sounds in spoken langauge. Children in the Haifa and Kohavim classes were recently screened using the PALS-PreK. Upper case alphabet recognition is a core component of PALS-PreK because early literacy research suggests that the single best predictor of early reading achievement, on its own, is accurate, rapid naming of the letters of the alphabet. However, this alphabet knowledge has the most impact when it is done in context of a full spectrum of literacy learning, not simply memorizing each letter one by one.

How to we strengthen children's alphabet knowledge? We begin by pointing out and talking about the letters that are most important to them- the letters in the name, the letters in the names of their classmates, and the letters in simple messages they would like to write. Learning about letters at TBSCC is also a multi-sensory experience and can be found happening in many parts of the school day. Children create letters from pretzels sticks at snack time. They fashion letters from playdough, and they use letters to write birthday messages to each other. 

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