Monday, October 22, 2012

Experimenting with color and making paint...

The Question of the day was, "Who would like to make paint and experiment with color?"  The entire group gathered around the long rectangular table eager to hear more.  We talked a little about some of our experiences experimenting with color, over the last several weeks. Then we talked about the materials on the table in front of us...salt, four, water and water colors.  The group was asked, "What colors can we mix together to make another color?"    Noah responded with, "Blue and red makes purple and red and yellow makes orange."   Then we looked at the water colors on the table, blue, orange, green and purple.   Unfortunately we did not have all the primary colors available to us today, so we worked and experimented with what we had.

First the children decided what ingredient they wanted to measure out and pour into the bowl.  Then we went to work.  It was amazing to see how well the children worked together waiting patiently for their turn.  Once we added the dry ingredients we added the water and water colors.  The children observed and watched the colored water  change the color of the white salt and flour.  Then we took turns mixing the two bowls of paint.  When we were done we had a bowl of sea green paint and gray paint.

Then the children decided to paint with q-tips.  When they were done painting they brought their art work over to the other table near the window and were asked to write their name.  Josie, asked the teacher to make a J for her.  Elias walked over and said, "Joise I can make a J for you!"   Micah R asked the teacher to make a C and Josie offered to make C for Micah.  Writing their names became a  collaborative team effort!

Tomorrow the children expressed their preference to paint at the easel with the sea green and gray paint, with "the big brushes."

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