Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Visit to the Museum!

Last Friday the Tel Aviv class had the neat opportunity to visit the Kohavim class' Menorah Museum! It was so exciting to see all the different kinds of menorahs and to see the different sizes shapes and colors that they come in!  The Kohavim class was eager to share the stories of their menorahs with the Tel Aviv kids. Hannah and Lily even proudly displayed the menorahs that they had made last year when they were in the Tel Aviv class!  The museum was a neat way for us to learn about each other and our Hanukkah traditions and see that maybe next year the menorahs they make will be in their very own Menorah Museum! 

1 comment:

  1. Sasha- this is lovely!! You are spelling Kohavim differently than the class does so it isnt showing up on our feed.... pleease tag it with our spelling so the other parents can enjoy :). Hannah and Lily are so proud.
