Thursday, December 13, 2012

Sisterly Love

Today Mia's sister, Sadie and Olivia's sister, Isabelle, came to visit the Etzim classroom. 
Isabelle, who is in second grade, read us two books.  Sadie, who is in Kindergarten,
shared some stretches with us and then recited a poem.  Everyone enjoyed
some time with our special guests.  Thank you girls.  We hope to see you
again soon.  We loved having teaching assistants!  We will work on our
flexibility, Sadie!


  1. SO CUTE! I loved seeing all the older siblings today! It's nice to see Isabelle spend time with her sister in the same space where she has her mayim classes! Looks like they all had a blast!

  2. It was great having them back together at TBS. Thanks for making such a special day for both girls!
