Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Singing a Solo

The Keshet children love to gather each day for circle. They sing our good-morning songs, and readily learn new songs. Today several of the children sang solos, choosing a variety of favorite nursery rhymes, including Twinkle, TwinkleABC's, and some inventive free-form vocalizing. They were delighted to be in the center of the circle, and the Keshet audience was attentive and rewarded the singers with applause. The children are learning that we belong to a classroom community with our own rituals and customs, and that we can support and enjoy one another as we try new things.
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  1. Wow! They are really becoming a community.

  2. What a safe way for the children to begin being in front of a group of people, too. They must feel so comfortable to be able to share of themselves in that way.
