Thursday, September 12, 2013

Letter Writing

Micah's letter

The Kohavim class has been enjoying all of the tools in Writing Center, especially the shape hole punches.  Yesterday Micah Gladstone requested some more shapes.  He decided to write a letter to the Ruach teachers to see if we could borrow some new shapes.  Today we came into the classroom to find a surprise,  three new punchers!  Thanks to Micah for writing his letter.

Together we brainstormed some different reasons we may want to write a letter- to thank someone, to ask a question,  or to wish someone a Happy Birthday.  We came up with a list of words we may want to include in our letters.  Molly had a great suggestion to add "I love you" to the list.

Check your mailbox for more letters from the  Kohavim kids!

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