Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Can You Pass the Pears??

Yesterday the Haifa class came in to a new change in the schedule: snack was posted next to choice time?! At circle we introduced the idea of open snack, and that the children would be in charge of when they were hungry and wanted snack. We help them adjust to the new schedule by having a teacher at the snack table to walk them through the steps. Find our name on the sheet to mark that you are having snack. Get a cup. Get a napkin. Check out the signs to tell you how much of each basket you can take. Clean up when you're done. It's a whole bunch of steps!! But two days in, our children are already getting the hang of it! They are using manners with one another, enjoying good conversation, and enjoying their time at the snack table.

Having open snack allows us more time to have choice time, and to delve deeper into the projects that we are doing and will do in the future. It makes for a much looser schedule, which is nice because we can spend our time together in a comfortable way, as opposed to always worrying about what is coming next.

-Alison and Sauci
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