Monday, October 1, 2012

Heels-they're not just for girls!!

Dressing up is one of the favorite activities in the Haifa classroom during choice time. There is just no end to what a child can play in our dramatic play area, so it totally makes sense. We have different materials to drape around a child, jackets of all sorts, hats, necklaces, and the most popular item-high heels! Now don't worry, these are child sized heels, and we are working with the kids to stay safe in these shoes. And it is both boys and girls that are wearing the heels! They have been called "costumes for our feet," and every student who wants to wear them has learned where to store their "home" shoes while they wear their foot costumes. If you look closely, you can see Sam and Brett playing in the photo above in a grocery store while wearing shoes!

-Alison and Sauci

1 comment:

  1. I love that the teachers, the children, and this school as a whole allow the children to express themselves and explore in a variety of ways, regardless of particular things (ex: "heels") being associated with a gender stereotype.
