Thursday, September 12, 2013

Friendship Inspired Learning

Some Kochavim friends were working on coloring their hopes and dreams strips that their parents wrote for them. I read Adam's strip to him which included a phrase on how his parents are hoping that he finds, "joy in his friendships." Adam immediately drew a picture of Molly and then asked me to write her name. I knew that Adam knew the letter "M" because it is in his name. So he made the "M" first. Then he made a circle for the "O," which was something he knew how to do. After that he got stumped and wanted me to write the rest of her name. I then pointed out to him that Molly was sitting next to him and that she could help him with the other letters! He watched her name them and then wrote them on his own strip. He was so proud when her whole name was written! Now not only can he write Molly in the Kochavim's class' name but he can write Molly his babysitter's name as well! Wow! Then he needed to write Charlotte and he went up to Charlotte and asked her to write her name on his strip.  It was neat to see so much literacy develop in our creative process. All the Kochavim kids were working hard to relate their pictures to their families and friends at school and though that connection they each practiced a lot of writing! Also friends were helping each other with the writing process and using each other as a resource! They now know enough that they can ask each other for help rather than always asking an adult. I am so excited to watch how their learning and friendships continue to grow. Way to go Kochavim!

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