Monday, November 15, 2010

Chalkboard Drawings

One of the special advantages of having the Scientist classroom downstairs is the wonderful large chalkboard that we have. It is also magnetic, so sometimes we use it to display things. But this year, we have moved things around, allowing the children to draw on the chalkboard. We have both large sidewalk chalk, in colors, and the usual thin white chalk that we typically see in classrooms. The children have enjoyed using both types, sometimes in different ways.

The thick colored sticks have enabled the children to draw quite easily. They have created pictures, mazes and designs. Today's creation was a very elaborate "machine used to trap people," with a "tube leading to a fire jail." And right next to that, Jayden was practicing writing her name. The children have also used the thin white chalk to rub on the board with their open hands, so that markings appear almost magically!

In addition to providing another medium for the children to express themselves, drawing and erasing on a vertical surface also provides another opportunity for the children to use their shoulder and arm muscles. It's very different, physically, from drawing on a horizontal surface. Try it!

The best sign of the children's enjoyment is the smell of chalk dust in the air and the sight of little faces smudged with green chalk dust, blonde hair turned purple, etc. Too cute!!
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  1. This is great. I love that you are using the walls of the classroom for active learning. This kind of drawing and writing is so appealing because your whole body gets into the big movements. You can even see the motion in the photo.

  2. Looks like a lot of fun and I am surprised just how high the children can reach up to draw.

  3. It's also nice to see that whiteboards haven't totally done away with chalkboards! Mia was talking about a chalkboard the other day and I was thrilled she even knew what a chalkboard was!
