Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Tel Aviv All Stars "Save Table"!

Today Mia and Lexi built a "car house" with the legos! I sat down next to them for a while and listened to their conversation. " Hey, Lexi I know this can be a "car house"! Lexi said, "Let's put a door in the house!" I then said to the girls "This building looks very interesting, tell me about it!" Mia's reply was,"This is a car that everything goes into from the house, like the bathroom, the roof and the windows! This way when you can get dressed in the morning, you are already in your car!" When they were finished building Mia asked, "Can we save our car house?" I asked them if they wanted to make a save sign? They were both eager and ready to write their message and new exactly what they wanted to say..."Save please, Lexi, Mia ." They were so proud of their building, and the message they wrote(please save)!
During the process of cleaning the classroom unfortunately Mia noticed her "car house" had a little accident. Somebody did not see the sign or did not read it. I asked the girls if they wanted to discuss this problem with the whole group? They both thought it was a good idea so they gathered the pieces if their "car house" up, and together brought them over to the rug where we were about to have our second morning circle. Well, to make a long story short Mia shared with them what happened to her "car house" ,and then I proceeded to ask the children their thoughts and ideas as to how we can prevent accidents like this moving forward. The children thought we should have a special place to put their creations..Like a "Save table", or a shelf. In addition to the special place to save their finished work they liked the idea of making a save sign. Over the course of the next few days they will make their own save signs(some of us already got started) and leave them in their mail box at school, so when they have something special they want to save, they can easily access their "save sign."
At our next meeting we will discuss how long we should keep our saved creations and what kinds of building structures we can put on the "save table." Stay tuned for building/construction updates!

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