Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Willaby Helps With Socialization Skills

Our long nosed furry friend stopped by today to help show the children how it helps to sometimes ignore annoying/unpleasant behavior. Willaby had the nerve to keep blowing and making sounds at Lauri who did her best to ignore the bothersome behavior. At one point she succumbed to his provocation and responded back with the same annoying and disrespectful behavior. Willaby was savvy enough to ignore Lauri. The children found the whole interaction hysterical, and it definitely got our point across. Feel free to talk with your children further about the effectiveness of ignoring teasing, annoying, and unwanted behaviors from others.


  1. First, their joy filled faces are great. I can almost hear the laughter. Thanks for capturing that.

    Second, I love how you turned a serious subject into a silly game. The vivid description of the session shows how you took a challenge the children encounter daily and used the power of humor to turn it into an engaging and positive learning opportunity.

  2. Ditto, Ellen! I didn't know learning about learning socialization skills could be so much fun. What amazing photos to capture their pure enjoyment.
