Thursday, February 17, 2011

Creating a Post Mailbox

Lately, the Haifa All Stars have become interested again in giving letters to each other and the teachers. We talked about making a mailbox and creating a post office. We got a white box with a cover and made a wide slit in it. Then using various stickers, Jesse, Ilana and Sam decorated the mailbox.

We are now in the process of turning the writing center into a post office. The children decided how much a letter, a postcard and a package would cost to mail. We have also put a list of all the children's names and the teachers, too, on the center so it is easily accessible for the children to copy the names on their outgoing mail. We will distribute the mail in the box at second circle each day. If you would like to send any mail to any of us our address is: ROOM 24-THE HAIFA MAILBOX.

1 comment:

  1. We have one very excited little mailman over here! Jesse was so proud to create the mailbox with Sam P. and his Haifa friends.
