By the age of two, most children have all the physical abilities needed for motor development. Higher-level motor skills are simply a refinement and combination of these basic abilities. Some children have a greater degree of natural coordination and motor skill than do others. For example, Olympic athletes have innate motor talent combined with the discipline to practice and refine their skills. Even though your child may not be on the track to highly skilled or competitive sports, all children benefit from opportunities to practice physical skills and have fun with motor play. The following strategies are geared toward children between the ages of two and five years.
Building Gross Motor Skills- Begin to eliminate the stroller, except for long distances.
- A family walk, before or after dinner, benefits everyone.
- Make use of backyards, community playgrounds, and nature's playgrounds.
- Plan for physical playtime at least twice a day.
- By age three, all children should have a tricycle or other riding toy with pedals.
- Play ball.
- Encourage your child to engage in challenging motor play. Provide a balance between active physical play and sedentary play.
- Consider lessons or organize physical play
- Join a team
Today Teddy Post expressed an interest in climbing the structure, seen here in the photos below. He seeked me out and asked, "Lauri will you help me climb over here?" I asked him if he had ever climbed this before. He said "No." There are three levels to climb and Teddy independently climbed onto the first level. Then I coached him on how to climb up to level two. I asked him if he would like to climb up one more level. I told him I would guide him to the top. He looked at me in the eyes, and cautiously shook his head up and down. I reassured him I would be there all the way. Following my lead, he adjusted his hands and feet accordingly and reached the top! I can't tell you how pleased he was with himself! Way to go Teddy!
Thank you for providing our children with safe ways to explore gross motor play so they can continue to develop. This wonderful weather makes your suggestions easier to accomplish! Even when I get home at dinner time, I can't resist caving in to the requests to play outside for a bit before going inside. This spring weather is wonderful!