Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Haifa All Stars vs. Michelangelo

Today we continued our art study with an understanding of how talented Michelangelo (the painter - not the Teen-age Mutant Ninja Turtle) really was as he paintedthe ceiling of the Sistine Chapel on his back. To put the knowledge into perspective we painted the underside of our table. Not to worry - we taped. paper under the table first. The children lay on their backs and painted being careful not to paint directly over their faces because of the drips. We think Michelangelo had to be careful not to paint directly over his face also
because of drips. The children were not the only people who left school today with paint in all sorts of places. Stay tuned - tomorrow is Degas.
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  1. LOVE these photos! Looks like a once in a lifetime experience!

  2. What a creative idea Haifa teachers!! The kids must have loved such a different experience like that. That's thinking out of the box for you....
