Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sculptors Today a la Degas

Today we learned about Edgar Degas. He was a painter who lost his sight and then became a sculptor artist. He loved to paint ballerinas but when he lost his sight he could no longer panit and thus became a sculptor. He met Maria, a young ballerina, and she posed for him. You can see in one of the above pictures we are posing just like Maria did for Degas. One of the Maria sculptures is at the MFA. Then the children made their own sculptures out of baking soda clay adding straws, buttons, etc. The children all told me a story about their masterpieces.
The baking soda clay is easy to make. Here is the recipe:
1 cup baking soda
1/2 cup corn starch
2/3 cup of water

Boil the mixture until it is the consistency of mashed potatoes. Cool and knead. Keeps well in a plastic bag.
Stay tuned - Matisse on Friday.
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  1. The children look so engaged. What an interesting way to present real artists with age an appropriate art project. Nice Work.

  2. Wonderful opportunity for children to learn that they can be artists as well!

  3. Great photos! what a creative way to present a creative person
