Saturday, May 21, 2011

An Eye Opener!

Josh said, "Lauri look at the magnatiles crawling up the wall!" I could not believe it...The magnatiles were lined up neatly along sides of the door, all the way up to the top of the door leading into the Unicorn classroom. Now Josh R. is tall, but he is not that tall!!!! I asked Josh, Oliver, and Sam, "How did you get the magnatiles all the way to the top of the door?" Josh said, "We pushed them up from the bottom." Then I asked them, "How are they able to stay up on the door?" Sam said, "The white part of the the door is magnetic." I walked up to the door to get a closer look and could see what Sam was talking about. "Wow, you are right! The white strips that line up parallel to the wooden door are clearly magnetic!" I then thanked the boys for sharing their discovery with me.

Their discovery was full of surprise and delight, for everyone involved! We will encourage the children to explore and experiment further with the magnatiles/magnets.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, now that is just super cool on so many levels! What investigators you have created!! And that is just super awesome that they did that. They must have felt so excited and proud of their discovery and accomplishment!! I would be curious to know if any of them have started exploring at home for magnetic surfaces!
