Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Yoga with Ruby's Grammy!

Ruby's Grammy (Sandy) came in today to do a bit of Yoga with us! We went into Simon Hall and Sandy (with a little help from her assistant Ruby), showed us how to move our bodies in new and interesting ways! We tried out a variety of animal poses: the down dog, up dog, butterfly, camel, and lion. We were trees, flowers and tried breathing with one and then two nostrils.

Sandy thanks for coming in to spend time with Ruby and her friends! We really had a great time with you!


  1. I remember when Sandy came to the Rainbow room to do yoga with the Rainbows when Ruby was a Rainbow. Do you think Ruby could stay at TBSCC FOREVER??? It looks as if everyone had fun!!!

  2. Can I look and move like that when I am a GRAMMY!?!?!
