Wednesday, September 12, 2012

How can we reuse the cracker box from snack?

After the Kohavim children finished eating the crackers at snack today, the teachers prompted, "Should we recycle or reuse this box?" Ryan enthusiastically replied, "Reuse! We can make a view finder!" Ryan immediately got a pair of scissors and began cutting the cardboard box into many pieces. He then said, "I cut it up and now I need to tape it into something new." He used tape to attach the cardboard pieces and told everyone he had constructed and airplane. He then took his new airplane for a test flight.

While observing how Ryan was reusing the cracker box, Noah was inspired to also reuse a cardboard box. He said, "You could cut holes and worms could live inside." Noah poked holes in the box explaining, "They can climb in and out and get air." The worm house Noah created led to a whole conversation about what worms eat.

The next time you finish a box of crackers, you might want to ask your child how they can reuse it!

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